Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

Comprehension and

Research allows developments in nature to be better understood, be made easier to communicate and as a result be better protected. The protected area is an inexhaustible open-air laboratory. Scientists are involved in compiling an inventory of the plant and animal species in the protected area, as well as in recording the impact of climate change on the sensitive high-mountain ecosystem. This research provides the basis for the management of the national park and is therefore an important contribution towards preserving the natural and cultural heritage.

Symbol Tiere
Artenvielfalt auf kleinstem Raum. Kleine grüne Oase mitten im Gestein.

Why?Research creates the basis for the protection and development of the national park and for educational work.

Symbol Pflanzen
Gletscherforschung ein spannendes Themenfeld

What?Research wants to detect, understand and document natural developments in the national park.

Symbol Berge

How?Scientific and social scientific methods provide valuable data for people and national park management.

Research focus


Conclusions can be drawn about changes to ecosystems thanks to on-going scientific monitoring of selected observation areas.

Capturing and documenting the biodiversity in flora and fauna as well as the geodiversity in the protected area and its surroundings is an interdisciplinary research task.

Research in the national park is an important contribution to the development of nature and species protection, along with the development of the entire region and society.

The latest technologies enable tasks to be completed more efficiently and more accurately.

The Hohe Tauern National Park sees itself as part of the economy and society of the entire region. Research also supports further development here.  

Technical solutions and standards allow us to ensure that national park knowledge is stored and shared in the long term.




What do we want to achieve


Research in the Hohe Tauern National Park is not an end in itself. All activities are embedded in the research mission of Nationalparks Austria and correspond with the current research concept for the protected area. Read more here…




The council of experts


In order to have a valuable outside perspective of all research activities, the Hohe Tauern National Park set up a scientific council (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) in 2011. Representatives from a variety of scientific disciplines advise the national park about formulating and further developing its research strategy, about quality assurance and maintaining contact with national and international research institutions.




Monitoring of waters



Alpine river ecosystems are indicators of climate change.

Monitoring of cloven-hoofed game

Spatial behaviour


Exploring habitat uses as the key to protecting and understanding species.

Autochthonous brown trout



 Preservation, stocking and monitoring the last exemplares of this fish species in our rivers.

Monitoring birds of prey


The number of breeding bearded vulture pairs is increasing, the golden eagle population is safe, griffon and cinereous vultures. Vultures stay in the Hohe Tauern National Park during the summer months.

Biodiversity research

Species diversity


How many species are there in the national park?

Data management

Systematic and interconnected


 Turning a data jumble into structured knowledge.

Long-term monitoring

Ecosystem processes


Which method is the right one for the long-term monitoring of mountain ecosystems?

Our online service


In recent decades, it is not just the number of visitors to the Hohe Tauern National Park that has grown. Our knowledge about the fauna and flora, the habitats and changes to our ecosystems has increased too. We provide access to this knowledge and related data through several online portals. This allows the data to be used for other work and research projects. Discover and use this vast trove of knowledge!


Symbol data centre

Symbol Bibliothek

Online library

Symbol OpenGovernmentData

OGD geo data portal

Symbol Bibliografie

Online bibliography

Symbol Gletscher Datenbank

Glacier database